Author Bio

Kim_miller-marx_aboutKim Miller-Marx is a licensed alcohol and drug counselor with a degree in psychology. She is passionate about developing self-esteem and self-efficacy in the women she counsels. Early in her career, Kim worked with adolescents and their families.

Kim’s childhood struggles with being bullied and the negative effects to her self-worth made her appreciate the importance of childhood self-esteem. Over the course of a year, she visited classrooms and gathered drawings from over 150 children. The children were presented self-esteem messages and asked to draw what they liked about themselves. A selection of these drawings formed I Have a Friendly Smile.

This book for teachers, social workers, parents and counselors opens up discussion about self- esteem, self-confidence and bullying.

Kim has two grown children, Jessica and Taylor. She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with her husband Eddie and two dogs, Capri and Louie.