About The Book


The book is a collection of 28 colorful drawings created by children ages 4 to 9. The children were asked to look inside themselves to discover what makes each of them special. Each drawing includes a caption or ‘self-esteem affirmation’ written by the child. The end of the book includes a section of blank pages for readers to add their own drawings with captions so that they can express what makes them special.

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What is Self-Esteem?

Self-Esteem is an essential ingredient in nurturing children’s healthy, emotional and physical development. It is a feeling of well-being and belief that they are worthwhile people. It is the assessment of the extent to which they view themselves as lovable and capable.

Why is Self-Esteem important?

When people experience positive self-esteem they feel good; they are effective and productive; and they respond to other people and themselves in respectful and assertive ways. Self-esteem is the armor that protects kids from the dragons of life: peer pressure, drugs, alcohol, delinquency and unhealthy relationships.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are powerful, positive messages (both verbal and non-verbal) which define who we are and how we expect to be treated. “I Have A Friendly Smile” is based on affirmations and self esteem and can be used as a guide to teach, describe and cultivate affirmations in children and teenagers and also remind adults of their necessary functions.